Harnessing Generative AI for a Comprehensive WASC Accreditation Visit: A Step-by-Step Methodology

The Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) accreditation process stands as a rigorous evaluation method to ensure educational institutions meet the highest standards as well as are on course for continuous improvement. The visiting committee’s role is pivotal, requiring meticulous preparation, observation, and analysis. Ultimately, the task is to affirm the institution’s report and find areas to celebrate and focus on as self-identified by the school as well as reinforced by the visiting committee. With the emergence of Generative AI, ChatGPT-4 emerges as a powerful ally for the visiting committee, offering innovative solutions to streamline the accreditation process. Over the last two WASC visits, I have utilized this tool to support our work in finalizing our visiting committee report and slideshow. This allowed us to complete the evaluation and writing tasks much more efficiently as a team. As a result, this blog outlines a step-by-step methodology for future WASC visiting committee members, leveraging ChatGPT-4 to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and depth in their evaluation.

WASC Cycle via WASC

Step 1: Preliminary Report Review Before the Visit and Note-Taking

The journey begins with a thorough review of the institution’s self-study report. Each committee member independently reads the document, jotting down preliminary notes on areas of interest, concerns, and conversation by the visiting committee. This stage is crucial for setting the stage, allowing members to familiarize themselves with the institution’s self-assessment and identify key areas for further investigation.

Prompt Example for Initial Analysis: “You are an esteemed WASC Committee visiting team member. Based on the following preliminary notes and areas highlighted from the institution’s self-study report, identify any potential gaps or areas that might require deeper investigation according to WASC accreditation standards.”

Step 2: Crafting the First Draft of the Visiting Committee’s Report

Leveraging their preliminary insights, the committee collaborates to draft an initial report. This stage involves synthesizing observations, questions, and reflections into a cohesive document that reflects the committee’s initial assessment.

Prompt Example for Draft Development: “You are an esteemed WASC Committee visiting team member. Given our preliminary notes and observations from the self-study report, assist in drafting the first version of our visiting committee report, focusing on the adherence to WASC criteria and standards. Highlight areas requiring further evidence or clarification.”

Step 3: Comprehensive Review with ChatGPT-4

On the first day of the visit, the committee uploads the initial draft of their report, along with the WASC rubric and the institution’s report, as a PDF to ChatGPT-4. This step is designed to ensure no stone is left unturned, and all accreditation criteria are thoroughly addressed.

Prompt Example for Gap Analysis: “Review the attached draft of our visiting committee report and the WASC rubric against the institution’s self-study report. Identify any discrepancies, missing evidence, or areas not fully addressed based on the WASC accreditation standards.”

Step 4: Observation and Note-Taking During Visit

Armed with insights from ChatGPT-4 and the initial draft of the report they have drafted, the committee engages in direct observation. Visiting classrooms and participating in focus groups, members gather firsthand evidence, further informing their evaluation. These notes are taken by each member of the committee. Then, these notes will be integrated into the draft that has already been written. Additionally, during this process, revision takes place as findings may differ from the initial review of the report after visiting classrooms and participating in focus groups.

Note Integration Prompt: “Integrate the following observations and notes from classroom visits and focus groups into our existing draft (or specified section of the report – insert here), ensuring a comprehensive reflection of the institution’s performance across all WASC criteria.”

Step 5: Developing the Final Draft

Combining their notes, observations, and the initial draft, the committee crafts a sophisticated prompt for ChatGPT-4, aiming to produce a final draft. This version incorporates the full spectrum of their findings, aligned with the WASC rubric and standards. Additionally, during this time revisions and edits are made during the final tweaking of the draft. Several members of the committee can be tasked with this task of editing for grammar and formatting.

Prompt for Finalizing the Report: “Based on our comprehensive notes, observations, and the initial draft, refine and finalize our visiting committee report, ensuring a thorough analysis that aligns with WASC standards and criteria.”

Step 6: Collaborative Revision and Presentation Preparation

The final step involves a collective effort to refine and perfect the report. Using Google Docs for collaborative editing, the committee fine-tunes their findings. Once satisfied, they leverage ChatGPT-4 one last time to create a concise, impactful presentation. Also, during this time, the committee agrees on the final criterion evaluation marker for the final rubric of the visiting report. Once this is finalized the presentation is then craft from the report by uploading the visiting committee PDF draft and the WASC slideshow template (as a PDF) to GPT 4 through the PDF uploader. Lastly, the committee will review the output and then collaboratively edit the slideshow to finalize it before the presentation to stakeholders at the end of their visit.

Presentation Bullet Point Development: “Transform the finalized visiting committee report that has been uploaded into a set of succinct bullet points to match the WASC slideshow template that has been uploaded, which is suitable for a WASC accreditation slideshow presentation. highlight key findings, commendations, and recommendations for each slide based on the report. Be concise.”

Conclusion – Generative AI Optimizes the Committee’s Work to Amplify It

During the accreditation review process in 2024, ChatGPT-4 emerges not just as a tool but as a partner, facilitating a deeper, more nuanced evaluation process. By integrating this technology, WASC visiting committees can transcend traditional boundaries, embracing efficiency and thoroughness. This step-by-step methodology offers a roadmap, promising a future where accreditation visits are not only about evaluation but about insight, innovation, and supporting schools in their journey of continuous improvement.

Published by Matthew Rhoads, Ed.D.

Innovator, EdTech Trainer and Leader, University Lecturer & Teacher Candidate Supervisor, Consultant, Author, and Podcaster

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