Scheduling Online Office Hours Using Edtech – Calendly and Google Appointment Slots

As we continue to transition to online learning, we all now have office hours to logistically schedule and make accessible to our students. Students need additional support for one on one or small group support. Therefore, creating an easy mechanism for you and your students to schedule office hours is critical to ensuring office hoursContinueContinue reading “Scheduling Online Office Hours Using Edtech – Calendly and Google Appointment Slots”

Implementing Instructional Strategies and Lesson Plans with Edtech and your Online Classrooms

Here is a comprehensive guide of how face to face instructional strategies and lesson plans can be integrated to online classrooms. It is a powerful conversation of how research based instructional strategies can align with edtech tools that can be used within an online classroom setting. You can begin using what is discussed in this post now to make your online class an engaging environment and equitable to your students.